Friday, August 15, 2008

another night in

Got off work early today since it's O-bon and pretty much none of my students showed up (1 of 18). I can hear the taiko drummers from my apartment--- sounds like they're having a good time.

Lots of baby geckos scurrying around. You wouldn't think so but they are quite adorable, this must be the time of year when they hatch. So cute! I want to catch one and keep it in my apartment--- the last one got out and now there's no one to eat the little bugs running (flying?) rampant.

The Fellowship of the Rings is playing on TV and I LOVE IT! Watching it brings back so many memories of why I absolutely love The Lord of the Rings:

Gandalf: It reads “The doors of Durin - Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter.”
Merry:What do you suppose that means?

Gimli: And they call it a mine! A mine!
Boromir: This is no mine. This is a tomb.

Okay, it sounds less funny when it's written but just the way they deliver the lines XD priiiiiceleeess! Also Boromir's "They have a cave-troll" haha awesome. I haven't really had time for a lot of my fandoms recently, or rather--- I've been too lazy for them but this really makes me want to get back into LotR. Maybe RPGing or something (which is *super* time consuming) or maybe I'll just draw some pictures of pretty elvish ladies (:

Gandalf: Fly you fools!
(cue dramatic sad music)
Frodo: Gaaaandaaaaalf (slow-mo and echo-y)

c'mon!! What's not to love? No matter what other roles Elijah Woods comes in, he'll always be Frodo to me *heart* (drooool<3Aragorn SO HAWT!!!XDCan I get an Amen?!) Okay, they're entering Lothlorien now so I must go and admire the hawtness XD

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